Watts Riots
The Watts Riots
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Day 6

Jamie Opens The L.A. Times Newspaper,
To  "Sergeant Jamie"

"Rights or No City"
The picture of a crowd yelling in a frenzy.

"When Civil Rights Become A Fight"
The crowd is shouting at news cameras.

Sergeant Jamie clenches her teeth and rises to a full stand. 
She picks up the cell tower telephone.
Jamie clears her throat before speaking.

"This is Sergeant Jamie, Pick Up, Pick Up Right Now."
Her voice Commanding and Impatient. 

A tiny tin audio, non-audio, tin audio, non-audio ...

Copyright 2000-Peggy Penny-all-rights-reserved-opt-out
Day 5

Jamie walks over the to CP desk to see if she can
pick up any hot information.  

"There you are Sergeant.  The Field Commander has been looking for you and Sergeant Wilson."  

The CP desk was a Sergeant, too.   And cute.  
He is wearing an impeccable uniform.  
His shoes are like mirrors.  
Jamie checks out his name tag.

"He wants to see both of us.  Wilson is already waiting." 
"He said he didn't know where you were."
"Not much of an example for the rookie, huh."

Jamie:  "Thank you, Sergeant."  Jamie snaps,
"I'll be on the LAX Field Command Desk"
"For a quick catch up.  I'll be right in."  
Jamie sits at the desk and opens 
the newspaper 

The Newspaper Article Reads,
"The Fire Department with lights 'n sirens "on" 
roll down US 101 in a test run."

The Snap Shot of A Local Fire Truck in Action, 
The Back Drop of Business Windows 
Smeared With Lip Stick Red,
'Blood Blood Blood.'

The Watts Riots 1965
The Multi Media Script

Los Angeles, California

August 11th- 16th

An intriguing slice of life of Los Angeles Police Sergeant Jamie DeFina. She demonstrates the unique complexities of the authentic LAPD 
and the loving relationship with LAFD Chief, Rueben Medina.

Sergeant Jamie is thrown into the role of Commanding Officer when she inadvertently becomes the senior officer in charge during simultaneous major events in the West San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. 

Riots, a murdered officer and a devastating brush fire combine with the arrest of a LAPD Officer by the California Highway Patrol.

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Blood        Blood                              Blood

Day 1
The Making of 
The Multi Media Presentation,
"The Watts Riots"

Business Windows Identify Proprietors 

"The Department was short on guns and the city 
was suffering from the damages to small 
businesses at an alarming rate."

"Police Departments all over The Country begun sending guns through Sears Department Stores 
who distributed guns to 
The Los Angeles Police Department." 

"I remember seeing the business windows 
marked with red lipstick, 
the word, "Blood." 
"News Reports Came Out Over The Radio."
"The People Trapped on The Freeway."

"The Business Owners 
marked their windows  to identify 
themselves as "Blood" (s)
in an attempt to stop looters 
from destroying business property."

"People Had To Stay Home."

"Yet, rows of businesses were burn to the ground,
destroying the buildings and the business inventory."

"The Riots left The City of Watts in ruin."

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